Wednesday, March 27, 2013

How To Market Pure Leverage Online

How To Market Pure Leverage Online all comes down to the type of advertising that you want to do. Your two main types of advertising are free marketing and paid marketing.  If you are able to include a combination then all the better. Its good to diversify your opportunities. Lets suppose you are on a tight budget and can only start off with some free methods of how to market pure leverage online. 

OK, before we get into the details of how to market pure leverage online with some places you can start lets begin with that with anything in life worth achieving it is going to take a bit of work on your part.  This online advertising thing is a skill you must learn. With that said what I mean its not as easy as 1. 2. and 3 your done. The majority of your work at first is going to come from testing and measuring your campaigns performance. For example you might be trying some free classified
posting. Dealing with the Internet and online marketing you can't just submit and ad to a classified site and expect huge results. First you have to make sure you have a system all set up that converts already. If you don't you have to test headlines and images and placements of these things in order to bring back the highest ROI or return on investment. Once you have a landing page that converts to what you want and hopefully you are building a list you then need to have a SLO or self liquidation offer to sell on the front end of your system to give you some upfront cost to cover your time and when you do begin with paid advertising you can hopefully cover your cost. There are many programs out there today that you can join and they will have a system all ready set up and they tested the living daylights out of and its proven to get leads and make sales for you then you are set to focus just on traffic.

How To Market Pure Leverage Online

Back to the free traffic marketing for how to market pure leverage online. Like I was saying a little earlier. Its going to take optimizing your campaigns and staying consistent with your advertising. Understand that you might night get a heck of a lot of traffic at first for your marketing efforts especially if you are using social media but we are using classified advertising so. First grab yourself a few classified sites you want to begin with and spend a little time browsing as if you were looking yourself and give yourself a feel of that advertising sight and the types of ads that are on there.  I would post as many ads as you can in that network. At least 3 to 6. Then you need to do this everyday or everyone day but be consistent. Here's a tip that I learned. Measure your tracking. Meaning through the landing page you want to be able to find out who came from where. Google analytics works good for this in my opinion but there are other tracking sites out there.  You want to be measuring the performance of each ad and working on the ones that don't get the results and keeping the ones that work best.

This type of advertising takes time to master and is not as easy as you might think. The key is to find the best sites to submit to.  Other forms of online marketing you can do is forum posting and using a signature but again takes time to build trust with your audience. You can leverage off of already existing traffic and websites by guess blogging. Do a google search for guess blogging to learn more. YouTube is a good place to search as well. A fantastic way to market pure leverage online us using the prebuilt authority blog that they have inside the members area. Be consistent and blog everyday and soon you will start to see steady traffic arriving at your site.

How To Market Pure Leverage Online

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