What I learned was to be consistent at the consistency game. That involved developing the discipline to stick with just one or two methods. I did this by writing myself down a plan the night before on what I wanted to do for my online marketing business. My money making activities. That was the easy part. The hard part was having the discipline to do this stuff everyday. The first thing I would do was log into my email and check my email. That was mistake number 1 for me. My second mistake was consistency checking my statistics and hoping to see some money in the account. I mean that was the big goal you know to make money but I was focused on the end results and not doing the steps that were going to get me there.
- Write yourself down a set of goals for your particular project. Example: I want to make 5,000 dollars per month by the end of such and such
- You then need to write down daily steps that you are going to take to reach that goal
- Develop the discipline to do your daily activities and do not get side tracked.
- Work on yourself each and everyday to become a better person and better at your business.
With the free methods you need to understand that with these it's going to take a little longer. Especially if you are using sources like facebook. Somebody like facebook who is a social networking sites you really don't want to sound like a boring sales person but provide value and build trust by just being yourself and share what it is you have learned. People will follow if you provide good content. Again its being consistent and applying this on a daily basis and even sometime 2 or 3 times a day. With anything in life it will take a bit of time to become really efficient at it. The alternative is to just punch in at the clock and be told what to do. For some that is an easier way and they are comfortable with their current lifestyle. Here's a tip for you that I learned. To be successful I needed to learn to be uncomfortable. Its only when we are uncomfortable that we are truly growing.
I have been online for over 4 years now and this industry has changed my life. I love who I associate with and how my mind has grown because of this. One of the persons reasonable I wrote another blog post about. Pure Leverage Opportunity
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